
Pentecost For Today

I had the opportunity in high school to visit Israel with my church. It was all incredible, but one of my favorite memories was when we went into an upper room much like the one Jesus and His disciples might have used during the Last Supper. It was bigger than I’d expected, and full of…

Opposition or Opportunity?

Imagine you’re on a mission to change the world. Naturally, you’d want to surround yourself with the best people for the job. Who would you pick? Rich people who can help fund your dreams? Influential people to give you credibility and help pave the way? Like-minded people whose lifestyles reflect the image you want to…

Come As You Are

I saw a cartoon on Pinterest once about two people texting back and forth. One of them is in tears, but puts on a happy face and doesn’t let on that anything is wrong. They laugh back and forth, even though one person is clearly going through something. Have you ever done that? I know…

Chariots and Horses

Joshua was one of Israel’s Old Testament heroes. He grew up as a slave in Egypt, witnessed the ten plagues and walked through the Red Sea. He wandered in the wilderness with his people for 40 years, then took over as their leader after Moses died. He had an impossible job – to lead his…


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About Me

Hi, I’m Michelle! I’m a Jesus follower, competitive rifle shooter and certified Enneagram coach. Jesus commands us to love God and love each other. In this space, we will explore what that looks like. I’m glad you’re here!

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